Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for getting things done. I'm thankful for checklists and planners and calendars. I'm thankful for the oomph, the gumption and motivation that propel us into action. I've often heard the adage about the kind of people who make lists are the kind of people who get things done. There's a healthy helping of truth in that. I know that lists—scratched on the back of bill envelopes, receipts, sticky notes—are pretty much the only way I can remember everything that needs to be addressed. I have a whole notebook that is filled with To Do Lists for the foundation. I'm thankful for the satisfaction and the relief that comes with checking things off the list, be it a dental appointment or cleaning out a closet. It's refreshing, isn't it? And there's a momentum to it, too, when we're in full swing of accomplishing one or two tasks then we find the desire and the energy to accomplish a few more. Doing begets doing.

We're in that blessed season when many families gear up for another school year. Routines that we shook off for the summer, gently come back and prod us into daily productivity. For us, we are in full swing taking care of details for the Twilight Walk. Many, many lists. Many, many things to do. Many, many hopes that you'll be there with us September 19. Today I'm thankful for those of you who have "register for Twilight Walk" on your list and for those of you who have already checked that one off. ;) Thank you!

What are you thankful for today?

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