Saturday, August 31, 2024


Happy, happy birthday in heaven, sweet girl! This day will always, always be a gift no matter how many years go by--the day your parents held you in their arms for the first time, body and soul! To see, face-to-face, this new life God designed was as thrilling then as is it to remember now. 

I recently read something curious about time and our perception of eternity. While time marks movement through space for us, for God we are eternally present; there is no time. Heaven is outside of it. I immediately thought of you. You are, have always been and will always be. That is the reality and beauty of our souls. Your soul exists. Your soul is very much alive and well. And while we will always be marked by your birth, it is eternity where the real party is happening. 😊 

We miss you here and love you there, dear Kyrie! Grateful that you love us back. 🩷

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