It has been just over a year since God asked yet another perfect angel to be by his side. From losing Kyrie, my life has been altered in a way that no one can truly understand until they have experienced it for themselves. I have come to cherish the little things in life: a perfect sunrise, children laughing, an elderly couple holding hands in a checkout line. Kyrie has forever changed my life, she will never be forgotten, nor will her presence ever be replaced. She will forever hold a piece of my heart and knowing that she will be there to greet me again is the only comfort that I have allowed myself to have.

Kyrie now has a higher calling; she will be a guardian angel to her little brother. Kamdyn Matthew Thome was born Friday night, May 16, 2008. He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz., exactly one pound more than Kyrie. It was so bittersweet to see Kamdyn arrive looking so much like Kyrie. All who saw him, that knew Kyrie, instantly saw the resemblance, and we all cried. I cried for my heartache still missing Kyrie, and I cry even now as I write this to know that Kyrie lives on in him.

Today is a bittersweet day of heartache and celebration. Kamdyn will grow up knowing he has an older sister who will always be with him, as she will always be with all of us. She has touched so many lives, and Lacie and I are constantly reminded by it from the cards, emails, phone calls just saying “We are thinking of You” from all of you. It means more than you know. From a grateful yet still heartbroken father, I thank you.

Jordan and Lacie,
He is beautiful. I know this must be so hard being so happy and sad all at the same time. You all are loved and prayed for.
This is the verse I have for Kamdyn
Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for My holy purpose.I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.
Jordan and Lacie,
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby boy. He is amazing and I can only imagine how his birth must have affected you. I know in my heart that God blessed you with Kamdyn to help heal your still broken hearts. I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to hold another child in your arms again after so much time of missing Kyrie. Hopefully Kamdyn will be your silver lining. You are both in my constant prayers and I cannot wait to meet Kyrie's little brother. I can speak from experience in only one area and that is this...there is nothing like a little boy's love for both his Mommy and Daddy. Following the last blog, the verse I have for Kamdyn is Romans 5:3-5
And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance: perseverance, charachter; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
God Bless Kamdyn and both of you.
Steve and Amy and BOYS!!!
Congratulations... he is so precious. I know there muct be so many emotions going on right now for all of you and I just can't imagine. Jordan, Lacie, Chad and Megan... thank you for sharing sharing so many things that have inspired us all to be better people, parents, friends...Knowing Kyrie through this blog has changed my life. We are praying for you all!! Leslie : )
Welcome to the world, sweet baby boy! You are such a blessed little boy to have parents who love you beyond measure, and to have a big sister who will always be there watching out for you.
Ok, thought I posted once...I'll try again!
Lacie and Jordan, I can't wait to see you both and to hold your sweet little miracle...and to hug his mommy and daddy! :)
I feel so blessed to celebrate this happy time with you!
Big Love,
Oh my goodness! I am so happy that God has given you Kamdyn as His sweet gift to you!! I know you must be feeling a multitude of emotions, but I pray that your heart is singing in a way that it has longed to for some time!!!!
You all are constantly in my prayers!! Congratulations Jordan and Lacie on your beautiful baby boy! I know Kyrie is smiling over him as you all are!
The Swob family
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