Monday, March 26, 2007

Gearing Up

Okay, team, we've got a big week. As you read in Lacie's letter, on Wednesday this week, Kyrie will be going in for her MRI scan to check the growth or rather the reduction of the tumor in her brain. We've got two full days to send truckloads of prayers, thoughts, wishes and hopes upward to help her (and the rest of us) go onward. This will be the first scan since starting the chemo, so we'll be able to tell if her chemo is pummeling the tumor or not. And since the neurosurgeon was unable to get 100% of the tumor during her surgery, we're really counting on the chemo to tow the line.

It was a cranky weekend for Kyrie and her nausea. Good news is that she learned a new word: "room!" However now she'll say "room" and Jordan and Lacie have to take her and Dog and That and whatever else is at hand to another room. Lacie says that being upright as Kyrie is carried from room to room may help her when she feels like she's going to be sick. Kyrie is going to the doctor this morning to check her counts.

Your prayers have brought us this far. Let's keep going!


Debbie said...

Anxious to hear about her blood count today. Each day hold's it's own little blessings. Even when we go through tough times, there are always things to be thankful for too! Sounds like our little princess Kyrie, definately is on the throne in her home too! (Just like my little Maddie) As grandparents and parents, even if they aren't sick, we love to accomodate their every little whim. I think it's so cute, Kyrie saying "room" and needing to have a change of scenery. We all need that, from time to time. I love you all and love hearing the adorable stories and daily victories! I'm expecting Weds to be a victory too!!!!

Denise Karst said...

My sister Renee Dusek Higgins is running for the 'Woman of the Year 'award this year to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. She called the Love Box Company looking for raffle boxes and spoke with your husband. This is when the discussion came up regarding your daughter. My sister is running for this campaign because she feel passionate about what the society does for the patients in need and to further R & D. Her interest began when I was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML) 3 1/2 yrs ago. I have three children and I can not even imagine going through this with a child. I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and husband and especially Kyrie.
God Bless
Denise Karst