Sunday, October 24, 2010

With the race getting hotter,

we're holding in 4th PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we have 8 days to go!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-HOO!!!!!

BIG THANKS to all of our enthusiastic volunteers who made sure everyone at the Fall Festival knew about the vote. The float looks great--filled with kiddos!!!!!!

We also discovered this Facebook video, which Mimi agreed to share with us. The same morning we share this powerful video—the reason why we're fighting so hard for attention & votes—we learn the little Alexander met Kyrie yesterday morning, too. Our hearts ache for Alexander's family. For me, it reignites the fervor with which we need to make sure potential voters know how important each click is.

We've got a big job ahead of us this week, but I'm confident that we've climbed this far for a reason. Let's take it to the top!!!!!!

Remember, we need you to vote these 3 ways EVERY DAY until October 31:

1) Text 103447 to Pepsi (73774) for The Kyrie Foundation
and now you can vote for our partners with separate texts:

103090 - St Michael the Archangel School
103073 - Three Ring Ranch
102961 - The Arizona Center for Responsible Fatherhood (ACRF)
102429 - Tucson Nursery School
103048 - Somtech Recycling
103061 - Outer Limits School
102833 - Jobs for Arizona's Graduates (JAG)
100220 - Parks and Rec Nanty Glo
100879 - Erin's Dream

2) Facebook App voting here:  Then copy and paste this line: 
erins ring.ranch somtech tns acrf leawood outer kyrie kyrie jobs.jag nanty
You'll be able to see all 10 partners' ideas at once with The Kyrie Foundation at the top.

3) Visit this Pepsi Refresh Everything Site to see all 10 partners in the group at once. The Kyrie Foundation will be at the top. It's just like the

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